Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Supreme Court- State of Himachal Pradesh v. Paras Ram and Ors.

Respondents faced trial for alleged commission of offences punishable under Sections 436, 447, 427, 147 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. The High Court found that there was some delay in lodging the FIR and though large number of people were claimed to have gathered at the spot, the witnesses could not have seen the accused persons. The High Court also found that there was some dispute between the parties and, therefore, the prosecution version was suspect. Accordingly, the accused persons were acquitted. The Appellant-State filed an application for grant of leave. High Court disposed of the application vide one line order "Dismissed", without assigning any reason for the same. Hence, the present appeal. Held: The manner in which appeal against acquittal has been dealt with by the High Court leaves much to be desired. Reasons introduce clarity in an Order. On plainest consideration of justice, the High Court ought to have set forth its reasons, howsoever brief, in its order indicative of an application of its mind, all the more when its order is amenable to further avenue of challenge.

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