Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TRAI- Short Consultation on Amendment to the Telecom Unsolicited Commercial Communications (UCC) Regulations, 2007

Press Release No : 8/2008, Dated : 16.01.2008:- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) with the objective of increasing the effectiveness of these regulations has issued short consultation on the proposed amendment to the Telecom Unsolicited Commercial Communications Regulations, 2007 issued on 5th June, 2007. The objective of regulation is to increase the effectiveness by providing some financial sanctions to non-compliant Telecom Service Providers and thereby reducing the nuisance and inconvenience to the subscribers of telephone/mobile services from the unsolicited tele-marketing calls/messages.

National Do Not Call (NDNC) Registry was set up by the Authority, which is operational since October 2007. Authority had advertised in the leading National dailies the procedure for registering in NDNC. It has been provided by this Amendment that if any telecom service provider does not comply with the provisions of the Telecom UCC Regulations, 2007 (4 of 2007), it shall be liable to pay an amount not exceeding Rupees five thousand for the first non-compliance and in case of second or any subsequent non-compliance, an amount not exceeding Rupees twenty thousand for each non-compliance. Also it is proposed to revise the tariff to be levied from the registered telemarketer to Rupees five hundred for the first unsolicited call and Rupees one thousand for second or any subsequent unsolicited call.

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Rajnish said...

Do Not Disturb (DND) should have been implemented long ago in India on lines of USA.

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with the comment that Do Not Disturb (DND) should have been implemented in India.